STEM Bytes Seminars: Summer 2020 Speakers
July 6, 2020WiSE PhD Mentorship Program is Accepting More Mentors!
July 8, 2020WiSE has established a new initiative aimed at developing programming catered to the WiSE PhD community. To assist in this effort, the WiSE PhD Advisory Board is looking to establish a network of liaisons in each of the WiSE programs. These liaisons will help the board assess their department’s needs, interface with department leadership, and organize attendance of WiSE events by the members of their respective programs. This amounts to a commitment of approximately four hours per month: two for liaison duties and 1-2 hours for relevant events on the WiSE programming schedule. There will be a short online orientation for liaisons in late July.
We invite applications from any PhD student with the desire to help the WiSE Program and Board to reach our goal of appropriately serving and representing the community of women in science and engineering. We particularly encourage applications from those who are entering their second or third year of their program.
Applications are due by July 19th. To apply, click here.