Child Care Subsidy

Deadline: October 1 for the Fall semester; February 1 for the Spring semester; June 1 for the summer semester.

Award Amount: $2,500.00 per semester.

Directions: Submit online application.

WiSE Child Care Grants provide doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows in WiSE-eligible departments with grants to subsidize tuition for children enrolled at state certified daycare programs of their choice. WiSE Child Care Grants are awarded on a semester by semester basis and are available for a select number of applicants in good standing who have primary childcare responsibilities for a child in the infant through pre-school age range. Applicants may apply to renew their grant at the end of each semester, but priority will be given to new candidates. All applicants must show proof of dependency, proof of enrollment, and a copy of the facility’s state licensing permit as part of their application. Please note that WiSE Child Care Grants cannot be used to support the salary of a nanny or other care giver. WiSE Child Care Grants are paid in the form of a single lump sum grant, typically awarded during the second month of the semester.

For the 2020-2021 academic year, faculty who wish to apply for in-home care, please visit Child Care Assistance (Temporary).

Eligibility: Any doctoral student, postdoctoral fellow, or faculty member in good standing in a WiSE-eligible department who has primary childcare responsibilities for a child in the infant through pre-school age range may apply. Proof of dependency relationship will be required. Applicants must demonstrate a strong justification for how receipt of funds will serve to increase the representation of women in science and engineering.

Application Process: Applications (and renewals) must be completed and submitted via the online system accessed on the WiSE website. A complete application should include:

  • Personal statement describing the applicant’s current research status and how receipt of the WiSE Child Care Grant will facilitate increased productivity.
  • Letter of recommendation by the applicant’s primary faculty advisor or mentor indicating that they are in good standing and have demonstrated a strong need, and providing a clear WiSE-justification statement that indicates how the grant will increase the representation of women in science and engineering.
  • Copy of Proof of the dependency relationship (i.e. birth certificate).
  • An e-mail statement from the applicant’s Department Chair sent to the WiSE Program Office at explaining how the subsidy will increase the representation of women in science and engineering.
  • Copy of the facility’s state license.
  • Proof of enrollment.

Review: Applications will be reviewed on a semester to semester basis. After eligibility has been confirmed, applications will be evaluated based on the strengths of the WiSE eligibility statement, the strengths of the letters of support, and on the applicants perceived need.

Funding: The award will be paid out in a single lump sum grant, typically during the second month of the semester.

Guidelines for Renewal: Renewal applications must be submitted by the Child Care Program’s established deadlines of October 1, February 1, and June 1. Applicants applying to renew their grants must submit a new application and, in addition to all other required materials, must include in their personal statement (1) an explanation of their continued need and (2) a statement that outlines how receipt of the grant has enabled their research and/or degree progress to advance. Awards are made based on the availability of funds and the applicant’s ability to meet the necessary eligibility criteria.